Reward Tokens
Get User's Token Balance

User's Token Balance

This API endpoint allows you to get the token balance of the user.


GET /getDetails/:tokenAddress/:userAddress


All requests to our GET API require authentication. You will need to include your API key in the header of each request. You can find your API key in the "API Keys" section of your PerkVenue dashboard.

Request Headers

The following request header is required to use the NFT Minting API:

  • Authorization - Your PerkVenue API key

Request Format

Add following Query at the end of the endpoint to get details of a specific token:

  • tokenAddress - The contract address of the token
  • userAddress - Address of the user whose Balance you want to find.

Example Request



The API will respond with a JSON object containing the following information:

  • userBalance: Token Balance of the user.

Example Response

    "userBalance": "0"

Error Responses

In case of an error, the API will respond with a JSON object containing an error message:

  "error": "Error message"


The GET /getDetails/:tokenAddress/:userAddress endpoint allows you to retrieve user's token balance.